Descriptions: Medium to low woody shrubs with tiny aromatic leaves common in dry washes or rocky hillsides. Small white flowers on short stems.
Cold Hardiness: Z5a-8a
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Flowering Time: Late summer to fall.
Soil Mix: Sharp draining, rocky, sandy loam.
Germination Code = CW (45-60 F, as daytime highs)
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Two pictures.
1 offer, 100 seeds for $4.00.
Sold out. Next availability expected fall 2024.
Castilleja chromosa, `Desert Indian Paintbrush', 12"H x 12"W, Malheur Co., OR, 2500 feet
Description: Low herbaceous plants with variable colored bracts of red, orange, pink, or yellow.
Cold Hardiness: Z5a-8a
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Flowering Time: Early spring to early summer.
Soil Mix: Well draining sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Germination Code = CW (45-60 F, as daytime highs)
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. 4 pictures.
2 offers, 100 seeds for $4.00, 1/4 gram seed (1000+ seed) for $12.00.
Chilopsis linearis, `Desert Willow', 180"H x 180"W, ex. cultivation. Origin: Widespread in SW USA.
Description: Small trees, typically to 15 feet or more. Fragrant pink orchid like flowers attractive to hummingbirds.
Cold Hardiness: Z6b-9b
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Flowering Time: Flowering freely beginning in mid to late spring. Flowers can abort during prolonged heat waves above 100 F but return readily once the temperatures cool back down, especially at night. Deep water every two weeks during the heat of summer to keep the flowers coming if natural conditions are dry.
Soil Mix: Gently sloped sandy loam.
Germination Code = HW (above 75 F, as daytime highs)
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Three pictures.
Description: Low herbaceous plants from a thick rootstock. Spikes of bright pink to lavender a favorite of bees and butterflies. Leaves and stems a delicacy for rabbits and many plants in habitat often are eaten to the ground. Plants go dormant during the heat of summer.
Cold Hardiness: Z5a-8a
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Flowering Time: Early to late spring.
Soil Mix: Well draining sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Germination Code = CW (45-60 F, as daytime highs)
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Two pictures.
Description: Dwarf herbaceous plants. Flowers mostly blue, occasionally pink, on short racemes.
Cold Hardiness: Z5a-8a,
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Flowering Time: Mid spring to early summer.
Soil Mix: Sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Germination Code = CW (45-60 F, as daytime highs)
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Four pictures.
1 offer, 100 seeds for $4.00.
Penstemon superbus, `Superb Penstemon', 60"H x 24"W, Graham Co., AZ, 3500 feet
Description: Robust mounds of bluish green leaves. Flowers coral red on tall racemes a hummingbird favorite.
Cold Hardiness: Z7a-10a
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Flowering Time: Mid spring to mid summer.
Soil Mix: Sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Germination Code = CW (45-60 F, as daytime highs)
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Four pictures.
1 offer, 100 seeds for $4.00
Phoenicaulis cheiranthoides, `Dagger Pod', 6"H x 8"W, Washington Co., ID, 3400 feet
Description: Low tuffs of chalky blue gray leaves from a woody caudex. Tiny pink flowers densely packed on short racemes.
Cold Hardiness: Z5a-8a
Sun Exposure: Full sun. Plants thrive on open rocky slopes and go dormant during the heat of summer.
Flowering Time: Early to mid spring.
Soil Mix: A sharp draining rocky, sandy mix is recommended.
Germination Code = FZ (32-45 F, as daytime highs)
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Five pictures.
1 offer, 50 seeds for $3.00.
Sold out. Next availability expected to be summer 2025.
Salvia dorrii, `Purple Sage', 24"H x 36"W, Owyhee Co., ID, 3400 feet
Description: Medium sized shrubs with aromatic leaves. Flowers and bracts variably light to dark purple.
Cold Hardiness: Z5a-8a
Sun Exposure: Full sun. Plants love sunbaked hillsides
Flowering time: Primarily spring, however plants are opportunistic and can produce additional flowers if temperatures remain cool and adequate moisture.
Soil Mix: A sharp draining rocky, sandy mix is recommended.
Germination Code = CW (45-60 F, as daytime highs)
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Two pictures.
2 offers, 100 seeds for $4.50, 500 seeds for $18.50.
Eremurus bungei, `Foxtail Lilly', 48"H x 12"W, ex. cultivation (origin, desert regions of western Asia)
Description: Low succulent like rosettes emerge from star shaped tubers. Tall racemes of yellow, fading to brown.
Cold Hardiness: Z5b-8b,
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Flowering Time: Mid spring to mid summer.
Soil Mix: Well draining sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Germination Code =CW (45-60 F, as daytime highs)
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Two pictures.
1 offer, 50 seeds for $3.00.
Memo, $12 minimum for seed orders. Thank you!
Salvia pachyphylla "Tulare", `California Blue Sage', 30"H x 36"W, Tulare Co., CA, 6100 feet
Description: Medium woody shrubs with powdery gray green scented leaves. Purplish blue flowers from dark purple bracts.
Cold Hardiness: Z6a-9a
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Flowering Time: Late spring through early fall. Deep water monthly during the heat of summer to keep the flowers coming if natural conditions are dry.
Soil Mix: A sandy loam mix with a bit of gravel.
Germination Code = WM (60-75 F, as daytime highs)
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Two pictures.
1 offer, 100 seeds for $4.50
Zinnia grandiflora, `Rocky Mountain Zinnia', 5"H x 36"W, Coconino Co., AZ, 5300 feet
Description: Low spreading mats from rhizomes covered in golden yellow flowers with orange centers.
Cold Hardiness: Z5a - 8a
Sun Exposure: Plants prefer full sun to hold their best shape.
Flowering Time: Mid summer to fall. Plants flower freely as long as adequate moisture is available.
Soil Mix: A well drained sandy, loam mix is recommended.
Germination code = CW (45-60 F, as daytime highs)
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Two pictures.
Description: Medium to large woody shrubs with thick succulent like leaves. Flowers inconspicuous but mature into colorful seeds of red, pink or yellow.
Cold Hardiness: Z5a-8a
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Flowering time: Early spring.
Soil Mix: Well draining sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Germination Code = CW (45-60 F, as daytime highs)
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Two pictures.
1 offer, 100 seeds for $4.00.
Eriogonum fasciculatum, `Eastern Mojave Buckwheat', 30'H x 36"W, Lincoln Co., NV, 4100 feet.
Description: Low to medium sized woody shrubs. Umbels white, occasionally pink tinted, fading to rusty colors.
Cold Hardiness: Z7a-10a. Plants can withstand short periods on intense cold but can succumb to prolonged periods of continuous freezing without protection.
Sun Exposure: Full sun
Flowering Time: Early to late summer.
Soil Mix: Half rock sandy loam.
Germination Code = CW (45-60 F, as daytime highs)
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Two pictures.
1 offer, 100 seeds for $4.00.
Eriogonum calcareum, `Whitewoolly Buckwheat', 24" H x 24"W, Owyhee Co., ID, 3100 feet
Description: Plants start as wooly leaved cushions but eventually develop short branching trunks. Umbels of yellow top very long stems of a foot or more.
Cold Hardiness: Z5a-8a
Sun Exposure: Full sun. Plants thrive on sunbaked rocky slopes.
Flowering Time: Mid to late summer, occasionally into early fall if moisture is adequate.
Soil Mix: Well draining rocky sandy loam.
Germination Code = FZ (32-45 F, as daytime highs)
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Two pictures.
1 offer, 50 seeds for $3.00.
Sold out. Next availability expected to be fall 2024.
Description: Medium sized thorny bushes with tiny leaves. Flowers small but in profusion in purple to lavender colors.
Cold Hardiness: Z6b-9b
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Flowering Time: Primarily spring to early summer, however plants are opportunistic and can produce additional flowers if adequate moisture is available.
Soil Mix: A sharp draining, rocky, sandy mix is recommended.
Germination Code = WM (60-75 F, as daytime highs)
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Two pictures.
Description: Rosettes of hairy leaf margined rosettes. White flowers age to pink. In cultivation plants can become quite large, up to two feet high & wide.
Cold Hardiness: Z5-8a
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Flowering Time: Primarily spring, however plants are opportunistic and can flower anytime moderate temperatures and adequate rainfall persist.
Soil Mix: Rocky sandy loam.
Germination Code =CW (45-60 F, as daytime highs)
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Two pictures.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Four pictures.
1 offer, 50 seeds for $3.00.
Dalea purpurea, `Violet Prairie Clover', 24"H x 24"W, ex. cultivation. Origin: widespread in central USA
Description: Finely divided, pinnate leaves on long stems from a thick rootstock. Purple flowers on cylindric spikes a favorite of bees and butterflies.
Cold Hardiness: Z5a-8a
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Flowering Time: Late spring to early summer.
Soil Mix: An elevated,well drained, sandy, loam mix is recommended.
Germination Code = CW (45-60 F, as daytime highs)
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Two pictures.
1 offer, 100 seeds for $4.00.
Caesalpinia gilliesii, `Yellow Bird of Paradise', 96"H x 96"W, ex. cultivation. Origin: Arid regions of western Argentina.
Description: Large bushes to small trees with tiny leaves. Large yellow flowers with long bright red staimens attractive to hummingbirds.
Cold Hardiness: 7b-10b, Plants can withstand short periods on intense cold but can succumb to prolonged periods of continuous freezing without protection.
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Flowering Time: Late spring to fall.
Soil Mix: Well draining sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Germination Code = WM (60-75 F, as daytime highs)
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Three pictures.
1 offer, 25 seeds for $3.00.
Artemisia rigida, `Scabland Sage', 24"H x 36"W, Grant Co., WA, 1000 feet
Description: Short to medium size winter deciduous shrubs. Flowers inconspicuous and wind pollinated.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 5a-8a
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Flowering Time: Late summer to fall.
Soil Mix: An elevated, sharp draining, rocky, sandy mix is recommended.
Germination Code = FZ(32-45 F, as daytime highs)
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Two pictures
1 offer, 100 seeds for $4.00.
Astragalus mollissimus var. thompsoniae, `Woolly Milk-Vetch', 8"H x 10"W, Owyhee Co., ID, 3500 feet
Description: Offsetting rosettes of hairy, pinnate leaves. Purple pea flowers on short stems.
Cold Hardiness: Z5a-8a
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Flowering Time: Primarily early to late spring, however additional flowers can appear if adequate moisture and cooler temperatures persist.
Soil Mix: An elevated, sharp draining, rocky, sandy mix is recommended..
Germination Code = FZ (32-45 F, as daytime highs)
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Four pictures.
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window Five pictures.
Sold out. No eta.
Salvia pachyphylla "Riverside", `California Blue Sage', 30"H x 36" W, Riverside Co., CA, 7800 feet
Description: Medium woody shrubs. This form with mixed bract (yellow, green, or dark purple) and flower colors (purple, pink or white).
Cold Hardiness: Z6a-9a
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Flowering Time: Late spring through early fall.
Soil Mix: A sandy loam mix with a bit of gravel.
Germination Code = WM (60-75 F, as daytime highs)
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Three pictures.
1 offer, 100 seeds for $4.50.
Sold out. Next availability expected to be fall 2024.
Calylophus lavandulifolius, `Sundrops', 5"H x 24"W, Lincoln Co., NV, 5800 feet
Description: Low herbaceous mats spreading from a central rootstock. Bright yellow flowers open in the evening and can persist through the daytime as long as the temperatures remain below 75 F.
Cold Hardiness: Z5a-8a
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Flowering Time: Primarily spring, however plants are opportunistic and can flower freely as long as adequate moisture is available.
Soil Mix: Well draining sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Germination Code = CW (45-60 F, as daytime highs)
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. One picture.
Description: Small leathery rosettes of chalky blue green leaves disappear under a cloud of tiny yellow flowers.
Cold Hardiness: 5a-8a
Sun Exposure: Full Sun. Plants thrive on open rocky slopes.
Flowering time: Early to mid spring.
Soil Mix: A sharp draining rocky, sandy mix is recommended.
Germination Code = CW (45-60 F, as daytime highs)
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Two pictures.
1 offer, 50 seeds for $3.00.
Heliomeris multiflora var. nevadensis, `Nevada Goldeneye', 24"H x 24"W, Lincoln Co., NV, 5800 feet
Description: Low herbaceous airy shrubs from slow spreading rhizomes.
Cold Hardiness: Z5a-8a
Sun Exposure: Full sun. Plants thrive on sunbaked rocky slopes or roadsides where theirs storm water runoff.
Flowering Time: Late spring to fall. Plants are everblooming providing theirs adequate moisture.
Soil Mix: Equal parts gravel and sandy loam.
Germination Code = CW (45-60 F, as daytime highs)
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Two pictures.
1 offer: 100 seeds for $4.00.
Wyethia helianthoides, `White Ray Mule's Ears', 12"H x 12"W, Washington Co., ID, 3400 feet
Description: Large leaved rosettes similar to the common Balsamroot. Large pure white rayed flowers up to 4 or more inches in diameter. A surprise find at this low of elevation, usually associated with high mountain meadows.
Cold Hardiness: Z4b-7b
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Flowering Time: Early to mid spring. In habitat the plants go dormant during the summer heat.
Soil Mix: Sandy, clay loam mix. Plants prefer low lying spring run off areas.
Germination Code = CW (45-60 F, as daytime highs)
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Eight pictures.
In all cases, seeds will only germinate in specific temperature ranges and will remain dormant until those conditions are met. These can be grouped into four categories (see individual listings for "Germination Code") with the first two needing at least 6-8 weeks of cold stratification (freeze/thawing) to stimulate germination and are best sown in fall just before the freezing nights begin. Germination begins once the temperatures start to rise back above freezing during the day on a regular basis in mid to late winter.
1. FZ 32-45 F Freezing weather germinating, best sown in fall. Seeds germinate on warmer winter days over the winter.
2. CW 45-60 F Cold weather germinating, best sown in fall. Seeds germinate near the end of winter as the ground begins to thaw out and days start to warm up more.
3. WM 60-75F Cool to warm weather germinating. Seeds can also be sown in fall but the seedlings can be lost if it gets too cold during the winter, therefore late winter sowing is recommended.
4. HW 75+ F Warm to hot weather germinating. Best sown in late spring to early summer. These seeds need persistent heat to germinate.
Summer 2024 Seed List: More sold out's now back in stock.
- All prices include free USPS 1st Class or Priority Mail shipping.
- USA orders only.
- Pop up shopping cart. If you close the window by accident, click on another buy button to reopen, then readjust quantity.
> = Denotes new list items since last major update.
$12 minimum on seed orders. Thank you.
> Mentzelia torreyi var. acerosa, 6"H x 10"W, Owyhee Co., ID, 3400 feet
Description: Low mounds of rough sandpaper leaves with small, light orange flowers. Drought and winter deciduous, re-sprouting the following spring from a thick rootstock.
Hardiness: Z5a-8a
Sun Exposure: Full sun. Plants thrive on sunbaked rocky hillsides.
Flowering Time: Primarily spring, however plants are opportunistic and can flower freely if adequate moisture is present.
Soil Mix: Sharp draining sandy loam.
Germination Code = CW (45-60 F, as daytime highs)
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window, Two pictures.
1 offer, 100 seeds for $4.00
> Datura wrightii, `Jimsonweed', `Thorn-Apple', 36"H x 48"W, Lincoln Co., NV, 3000 feet
Description: Large herbaceous mounds of annual foliage, dying back in winter and re-sprouting from a tuberous rootstock. Huge white trumpet nocturnal flowers come freely as long as adequate moisture is available and attract a large number of pollinators. Leaves smell like peanut butter when rubbed but can be toxic to browsing animals.
Cold Hardiness: Z6a-9a
Sun Exposure: Full sun.
Flowering Time: Flowering freely beginning in mid to late spring.
Soil Mix: Well draining, sandy loam with a bit of gravel.
Germination Code = CW (45-60 F, as daytime highs)
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Two pictures.
Description: Medium to low woody shrubs with sparkling, succulent like leaves. New growth hardens and modifies into woody spikes. Flowers inconspicuous and aligned along new growth stems, primarily wind pollinated.
Cold Hardiness: Z5a-8a
Sun Exposure: Full sun. Plants thrive in arid, sunbaked rocky slopes.
Flowering Time: Spring to early summer.
Soil Mix: Sharp draining, rocky, sandy loam.
Germination Code = CW (45-60 F, as daytime highs)
Flickr photo gallery link, click on thumbnail. This will open a new window. Three pictures.